FP01 假日庆祝包 Holiday Celebration Pack
GP01 露天度假 Outdoor Retreat
GP02 Spa Day
GP03 外出用餐 Dine Out
GP04 吸血鬼 Vampires
GP05 生儿育女 Parenthood
GP06 丛林探险 Jungle Adventure
GP07 诡奇小镇 StrangerVille
GP08 魔法世界 Realm of Magic
GP09 星球大战™:巴图之旅 Star Wars™: Journey to Batuu
GP10 梦想家装 Dream Home Decorator
GP11 婚旅奇缘 My Wedding Stories
GP12 月影狼踪 Werewolves
EP01 来去上班 Get to Work
EP02 同欢共乐 Get Together
EP03 都会生活 City Living
EP04 猫狗总动员 Cats & Dogs
EP05 春夏秋冬 Seasons
EP06 星梦起飞 Get Famous
EP07 岛屿生活 Island Living
EP08 玩转大学 Discover University
EP09 绿色生活 Eco Lifestyle
EP10 雪境仙踪 Snowy Escape
EP11 乡间生活 Cottage Living
EP12 高中时代 High School Years
EP13 成长路上 Growing Together
EP14 骏马牧场 Horse Ranch
SP01 豪华派对组合 Luxury Party Stuff
SP02 完美露台组合 Perfect Patio Stuff
SP03 冰酷厨房组合 Cool Kitchen Stuff
SP04 毛骨悚然组合 Spooky Stuff
SP05 电影同乐组合 Movie Hangout Stuff
SP06 浪漫花园组合 Romantic Garden Stuff
SP07 童乐房间组合 Kids Room Stuff
SP08 休闲后院组合 Backyard Stuff
SP09 复古经典组合 Vintage Glamour Stuff
SP10 保龄球之夜组合 Bowling Night Stuff
SP11 健身乐活组合 Fitness Stuff
SP12 幼儿组合 Toddler Stuff
SP13 快乐洗衣日组合 Laundry Day Stuff
SP14 我的第一只宠物组合 My First Pet Stuff
SP15 MOSCHINO组合 Moschino Stuff
SP16 温馨小居组合 Tiny Living Stuff Pack
SP17 巧缝妙织组合 Nifty Knitting
SP18 灵异追击组合 Paranormal Stuff Pack
SP19 不存在 Gnome on the go
SP20 复古风潮 Throwback Fit Kit
SP21 乡村厨房Country Kitchen Kit
SP22 灰尘大作战Bust the Dust Kit
SP23 庭院绿洲Courtyard Oasis Kit
SP24 时尚街区Fashion Sreet Kit
SP25 潮流工业风Industrial Loft Kit
SP26 仁川直送Incheon Arrivals Kit
SP27 不存在,EA没出
SP28 摩登男装MO Dern Menswear Kit
SP29 锦簇之间 Blooming Room Kit
SP30 缤纷嘉年华Carnaval Streetwear Kit
SP31 极繁美学Décor to the max.Kit
SP32 月色潮流Moonlight Chic Kit
SP33 小小露营家Little Campers Kit
SP34 孩童潮搭First Fits Kit
SP35 大漠奢华Desert Luxe Kit
SP36 粉彩狂想曲 Pastel Pop Kit
SP37 生活小物 Everyday Clutter Kit
SP38 贴身潮流 Simtimates Collection Kit
SP39 浴室小物 Bathroom Clutter Kit
SP40 温室乐土 Greenhouse Haven Kit
SP41 地下宝库 Basement Treasures Kit
SP44 泳池狂欢 Poolside Splash Kit
SP45 现代奢华 Mo dern Luxe Kit